The Audi A3 8P now available in 3-door hatch (typ 1), 5-door sportback (typ a), and cabrio (typ L) model versions was facelifted by Audi in 2008. Nose, grille, headlights and tailights were updated along with a greater number of engine (gas and diesel) options. We currently feature body kit styling and tuning from two of Europe's best performance tuners -
Rieger & Caractere.
Call now toll-free in North America at 1888 465 5835; International calls will be answered at 001 514 7333 6333. LLTek Business hours are Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST (GMT -5:00). BTW - the front bumper cap (in orange) on the 3-door from Rieger below will slip right onto its 5-door counterpart in North America.