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Rieger RS4+ and RS4 Body Kit Styling for the Audi A4 B5

Rieger Tuning - Pushing the Envelope in Performance DesignGerman designer/manufacturer Rieger and LLTek Motorsports have cooperated over many years to change the face of Audi A4 Tuning in North America. Half of the equation has been LLTeK providing consistent, quality distribution and service, while Rieger on their side continues to design, engineer and produce dazzling, eye-arresting body kit components. Rieger's talent for blending art and technology speaks for itself....

Please Note: in April of 2007 LLTek was informed that the RSFour Look front bumper production was discontinued and would be replaced by the RSFour Plus front bumper. LLTek has featured this new bumper for six months now (time of writing - October 15, 2007) and was recently surprised and pleased to learn that demand for the original RSFour Look front bumper has been so high that Rieger Tuning has decided to retool and put the bumper back into production. Tuners now have two choices of Rieger styling for their A4 B5's. Enjoy!

Click Here and See LLTek's Original RSFour Look Bumper (content first posted September 1999)

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RSFour Front Bumper with no-fogs ( + e-codes + large mesh+Type R Mirrors) on Audi S4 B5
RSFour Bumper (Part# RIEB5-08) shown on S4 B5 with e-code headlamps RSFour Bumper Part# RIEB5-08 shown with Type R Mirrors (HAGB5-01)
S4 B5 with RSFour Look Bumper
Part# RIEA48D-08
RSFour Bumper Part# RIEB5-08 shown with no-fogs option and large mesh MatchPaint

Rieger A4/S4 B5 1996>2001 - Parts & Pricing
Part Number Part Description Price
RS4plus Bumper - New Aero Styling Bumper from Rieger to replace RS4Look Bumper
New RSFourplus Front Bumper - available with or without fogs
RSFourplus Front Bumper
without Fog Light Brackets
(includes Small Mesh - no charge)
RIEA48D-33wf RSFourplus Front Bumper
with Fog Light Brackets
(includes Small Mesh - no charge)
RSFourplus Bumper with optional center splitter
Center Splitter for RSFourplus Front Bumper
Black ABS Plastic (special order)

Center Splitter for RSFourplus Front Bumper
ABS Carbon Fiber Look (special order)

RSFour Front Bumper without Fog Light Brackets
(includes Small Mesh - no charge)
Original Version Shown
RSFour Front Bumper with Fog Light Brackets
(includes Small Mesh - no charge)

Quantum Grill for the Audi A4 B5
Silver Frame with Gloss Black RS Mesh
(shown with optional RS Badge)
RSLook Euro Version Bumper and New V3 Skirts
RSLook Rear Bumper (Sedan - Euro Version)
(includes Small Mesh)
RIEA48D-22S RSLook Rear Bumper (Sedan - Euro Version) Without VENTS
(includes Small Mesh) Special Order Only
*North America Models require Impact Bar Support Adjustments
RIEA48D-21A RSLook Rear Bumper (Avant - Euro Version)With VENTS
(includes Small Mesh)
*North America Models require Impact Bar Support Adjustments
RSLook Euro Version Bumper and New V3 Skirts
RSLook Rear Bumper (Avant - Euro Version) Without VENTS
(includes Small Mesh) Special Order Only
*North America Models require Impact Bar Support Adjustments


Rear Valance V1 Euro ( 2 Section Rear )
RIEA48D-11 Rear Valance V1 (North American Version) $322
Rieger Rear Valance V2
Rear Valance V2 (North American Version - 3 Section) $422
Rieger Rear Valance V2 and RS Wing
RS Rear Wing with 3rd Brake Light $999
A4/S4 Aero Splitter in Carbon Fiber for the Rieger RS4 Bumper
Bolt-on Aero Splitter in Black Carbon Fiber
Requires Base coat/Clear coat

Bolt-on Aero Splitter in MultiResin Composite Fiber Glass $633
Rieger DTM Front Spoiler
DTM Front Spoiler
Special Order Only
Type R Front Spoiler and DTM Splitter
Type R DTM Splitter
Special Order Only
Type R Front Spoiler augmented with DTM Splitter
Type R Front Spoiler $322
RIEA48D-06L Side Skirt - Left (V1) $211

Side Skirt - Right (V1) $211

V1 Side Skirts compared with V2 Side Skirts (deep dish) for the Audi A4 B5
RSFour Look Front Bumper

Side Skirt - Left (V2) $222
RIEA48D-30R Side Skirt - Right (V2) $222
Rieger RSFour Front Bumper and V3 Side Skirts
RSLook Side Skirt - Left (V3)
*Small Mesh Included
New V3 Skirts from Rieger - Mesh and Installation Included
RSLook Side Skirt Right (V3)
*Small Mesh Included

Rieger V3 sideskirts illustrated on Audi A4 B5 Avant with rear bumper (euro version/no vents)
Roof Spoiler - Sedan Only - Part# RIEB5-18
Roof Spoiler - Sedan Only $166

S4 B5 Notice for RS4, RS4Plus and RSR Bumpers

Note: LLTeK has identified a fitment issue for owners of the S4 B5 1998-2000 car that have an Audi "optional cooling package" installed. These cars were originally delivered to owners in the Southern USA. The option, which is basically an extra fan installed in the front of the car to defeat extreme high summer temperature overheating, will add an additional step to what is otherwise a straightforward installation. Over the course of the last ten years some of these vehicles have probably been sold to residents where extreme summer temperatures do not occur. The small number of vehicles sold with this option means that: odds are your purchase and installation of these bumpers will not be affected; however, LLTeK cannot be responsible for cars equipped with the "optional cooling package" option.

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