LLTek's All-in-1 A7 / S7 Bumper Upgrade for Audi

Delivered to Your Door in 1 Box!

Bing! Bang! Boom!

RS straight line styling for the Audi A7 / S7 is here. Getting from A to B (oem to modified) is a one-step purchase in this bundle that has no loose ends. There is no guessing on the package - no nagging doubts on fitment for mix and match - one specific model all tied up and good to go. Despite this good news and outstanding price point, there are no illusions here at LLTeK that anyone is going to plop down their credit card before taking a closer look. We are expecting your call and we are ready to answer your questions. Last year, in 2016, LLTeK celebrated 20 years of business that revolves around modifying German cars; call at the time that is most convenient for you - LLTeK's business hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM ET (GMT -5), Monday through Friday and it's toll-free in North America 1 888 465 5835. International callers can reach LLTeK at 001 514 733 6333.

Simplifying an Audi Body Kit Solution

One call and your car is one step closer to RS styling; the bumper arrives with a coat of primer, the grille is an exact fit (with pdc ports,camera port and optionally installed license plate holder), fitted center splitter (pre-painted silver), matching mesh corner grilles with ACC ports and plugs, corner vents (pre-painted silver), fitted splash panel, PLUS rings, badging, mounting plates and hardware included!

  • One Design & Manufacture Source.
  • One Price $1799 + shipping:

  • One Box delivered to your door.
  • One brand new RS look for your Audi.
  • Quote Item ID# CGA-A74G PFL BVM
    call now!
  • In North America call Toll-Free 888-465-5835
  • International calls at 001 514 733 6333

Get a Closer Look Here

These images are all parts included in the RS7 ONE PACK

Yes, you can complete this at home with a few tools and a friend or two. We've seen it done on Audi A8's by individuals who are determined and diligent. On the other hand, if you are not the least bit mechanically inclined or have shown impatience when you're around tools - OR - you just have zero interest in driveway modifications, the good news is that virtually any shop (and that would include your Audi dealership) can get the OEM pieces off and the new ones on without breaking a sweat.

Splash Plate Multiple prepared hanging points.

Center Splitter fitted & pre-painted bolt-on.

Corner Grilles Tabbed inserts with matching mesh grille.

Corner Vents pre-painted scoops with mounts.

Mounted Grille Badge optional include with snap-in tabs.

Front License Mount Gloss Black Euro plaque with Hardware.

ACC Placeholders with mounting plates behind corner grilles.

Floating RS Badge optional install with adhesive backing.