Out of the Box Tuning Solution
LLTeK presents the single largest centralized collection of grilles for Audi cars in the world. All of our grilles for Audi are available for shipment around the globe, and you can call us at any time with your questions using LLTeK's toll-free telephone line in North America at 1 888 465-5835 or contact us via e-mail at [email protected] --- International callers can reach us directly by phone at 001 514 733-6333.
We are always here to help and will gladly answer your questions. LLTeK publishes a wealth of information concerning these different grilles – no two grilles are the same - and reading all these specifications relating to grilles for Audi cars will help when it comes time to complete your purchase. It is important that you understand what you are purchasing. You will see that choosing a new grille with several options requires care. We want to ship LLTeK's grille that precisely fits your car and we will help you do that.

We are expecting your call and we are ready to answer your questions. In 2016, LLTeK celebrated 20 years of business dedicated to modifying German cars; call at the time that is most convenient for you - LLTeK's business hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM ET (GMT -5), Monday through Friday and it's toll-free in North America 1 888 465 5835. International callers can reach LLTeK at 001 514 733 6333.
One call and your car is one step closer to RS styling.
- OEM or "original equipment manufacturer"
- Modified OEM - original equipment
- Aftermarket Tuning - (The Quantum Collection, Caractere, Hofele and UberHaus)
IMPORTANT Info (1): If your Audi is equipped with Audi's optional OEM Homelink® feature - Click Here
IMPORTANT Info (2): Some Audis are equipped with adaptive cruise control (ACC)
Quantum aftermarket single-frame grilles may NOT be compatible. Please Call.
OEM: This designation means the grille was originally designed and built for Audi ("original equipment manufacturer"), specifically for new car assembly and later in the car's life cycle for replacement parts. Generally, the OEM grilles that LLTeK offers for sale are the European versions and not North American versions; the most notable difference being the horizontal center plate section. OEM grilles consist of two parts and each are sold separately at dealerships. Part 1 is the large frame containing the grille work. Part 2 is the snap-on snap-off center section that can accommodate a licence plate. Occassionally, this center plate cover has small round portholes to accommodate parking sensors (PDC). Euro OEM center plate covers are ususally debossed for placement of the longer, narrow European style licence plate.
OEM (modified): These OEM grilles are identical to those above, but have been modified by LLTeK for fitment into any one of a number our our bumper upgrades offered. Generally speaking, these modifications made for correct fitment are minor but necessary; LLTeK makes these modifications onsite before shipping/installation. Your new bumper/grill combination arrives assembled and ready-to-install. Note: LLTeK also offers OEM grilles with quick fitment (no modifications required) into many of our aftermarket bumpers. Call and confirm easy OEM fitment for your particular model.
Aftermarket Tuning: LLTeK markets the Quantum Line, the Caractere Grille Line and Hofele's RS (A5/S8) sport grille. An aftermarket grille is one which is designed and manufactured by a private enterprise that will either : A - Swap straight out and replace an OEM Audi grille. - or B - Fit the custom dimensions of an aftermarket styling bumper offered by LLTeK.
Yes, you can complete this at home with a few tools and a friend or two. We've seen it done by individuals who are determined and diligent. On the other hand, if you are not the least bit mechanically inclined or have shown impatience when you're around tools - OR - you just have zero interest in do-it-yourself modifications, the good news is that virtually any shop (and that would include your Audi dealership) can get the OEM pieces off and the new ones on without breaking a sweat.
Style: Generally, aftermarket grille styling tends to emulate the look of "performance" Audi grilles. The RS grille look is a "best seller" and a great number of Audi enthusiasts prefer this styling because it is one and the same as high tech engineering excellence and real power. Most Quantum grilles and some Caractere grilles sport "RS style" mesh typically found on the Audi RS3, RS4, RS5 and RS6 cars. The Hofele RS grille is a great alternative for A8/S8 upgrades with its own distinctive RS mesh; for a nominal charge, enthusiasts can upgrade to "RS style" mesh. The choice is yours.
Cost: There is a cost advantage in favor of aftermarket grilles when compared with OEM grilles. It may be one of the few times that "Less pain - More Gain" actually would apply. Take advantage of this opportunity now.
Center plate: Unlike Audi's OEM grilles, which are sold in two parts, some of LLTeK's aftermarket grilles have fixed, integrated center plates which help account for a lower selling price. An exception (what would we do without exceptions?) to this comparison point is the Quantum A6 C6 grilles series where a detachable center plate and optional knockouts for PDC parking sensors exist. However, this separate center plate is included in the price of the Quantum A6 C6 grille and comes at no extra cost.
Fitment: Aftermarket grilles are all tested at the design stage to fit and install like the OEM grille. When the grille calls for an air deflector fairing, the aftermarket grille incorporates this element of design into the product.
Quality of grille: Just like OEM grilles, our aftermarket grilles are generally manufactured with "injected plastics". There is no question that an OEM grille's molding process is done on higher volume and heavier industrial machinery and that the backside finish is finer and more complex. That being said, all of our aftermarket grilles enjoy high quality standards of manufacture and once installed on an Audi, we would challenge anyone to identify a shortcoming when in fact, there is no discernible difference.
It's true. At first glance, all contemporary Audi standard (single frame cell) grilles look similar to each other. This is part of Audi's brilliant brand recognition strategy and the Audi grille is a keystone, BUT, grille designs are model specific. In reality, they're all unique, all grilles differ in dimension and aspect ratio; not one grille will provide fitment across multiple car models when replacing an OEM front bumper. On the other hand, there are a number of aftermarket designs that draw from the A8 / S8 grille that led the way in the conversion designs. LLTeK knows the ins & outs and will steer you in the right direction; we are just a phone call away and will make the options clear. LLTeK will ship the right grille for YOUR car to your doorstep - with or without a front bumper upgrade. Zero frustration - happy motoring. Call toll-free 1888 465 5835 with any questions!
The "RS mesh" in most of the aftermarket grilles presented here echo the look and design style that Audi uses consistently throughout its RS Hi-performance car program. The coveted RS pattern has evolved over the years, yet all RS mesh variations are still easily recognized by the free-flow oversize diamond configuration. In our catalog of grilles for Audi, one can see OEM RS mesh as well as LLTeK's interpretation in the RS Quantum Collection, Caractere's RS sport grilles and Hofele's inclusions of authentic and genuine optional RS stylings.
Several years ago Audi created a unique semi-satin aluminum color finish as their standard accent for their RS grille frame. Audi also uses this RS Silver color on their mirror shells and window trim when the car belongs to the Hi-Performance RS family line. It's Audi's design signature denoting a "very special performance car". You can purchase this look. Many of the Quantum grilles shown here use a next-to-identical RS silver color. Naturally, we also present several genuine OEM RS grilles with RS Silver color plus, the popular Piano Black finish.
Audi offers an option (again, at extra cost) - a glossy black outer frame (Piano Black) which matches the finish of the glossy black mesh in a variation of its OEM RS family of grilles. Generally, this option is available in Europe only. It's rare to see the black frame in North America accompanied by the RS design. The good news without the sticker shock? LLTeK now offers its Quantum line grilles with RS frames in glossy Piano Black at no extra charge. You can choose, in most cases, the RS Silver frame or the RS Piano Black frame; both offer outstanding style and value.
Audi is migrating its basic grille frame finish and mesh color away from a gray matte surface to the crisper Piano Black mesh for their OEM RS grilles and many non-RS cars. The LLTeK RS grilles from Quantum almost always utilize this Piano Black mesh style. An example of an OEM RS grille that still uses the older matte grey RS mesh would be the Audi RS4 B7 grille.
What is the Chrome Frame option?
LLTeK offers several OEM grilles (and our our own Quantum RS4 B7grille!) with a chrome finish outer frame similar to Audi's standard grille look. We recognise that some customers want a change in appearance but, at the same time, some customers do not want to move too far from the original look. Caractere grilles address these customer's needs perfectly. Some Caractere grilles incorporate the original outer chrome frame into their upgrade design helping to keep costs under control and preserve Audi's original understated design. These grilles are ideal for owners who subscribe to the design maxim that "less is more."
What is a PDC Port?
PDC or Park Distance Control is an audible proximity sensor system that will warn drivers of critically close distances remaining between the car's (front and/or rear) bumper and any object. In tight spots, it will help prevent slow speed taps, bumps and scuffs. Most North American Audi cars do not have PDC in the front bumper or grille as standard equipment, although the Audi A8/S8 line is an exception. A PDC port is a factory-made hole of specific diameter in the bumper/grille that will accomodate one of usually four proximity sensors in the front or rear bumper.
There are two sizes of sensors. Most common is the nickel size (20mm~3/4inch), but some of the newer models use the dime size (18mm~10/16inch). Often, your LLTeK Sales Rep can help identify the correct size.
It is common for Audi factory installations of PDC to position two of your four front parking sensors at the left and right edges of the grille's center section cover plate. Most of our grilles are available with PDC holes ready to accept your PDC sensors. Sensors can be snapped into place or, in many grilles, the optional sensors can be glued into place.
What is a PDC option?
In Europe and throughout the rest of world, front bumper PDC is far more common than in North America. You can be sure that LLTek will ask if your Audi is equipped with this option. Regardless of the shared responsibility that ensures you getting the bumper you want, it will fall on your shoulders to let us know if you own a PDC-equipped Audi and wish to retain the function when upgrading your grille and/or bumper. If "yes", LLTeK will need a precise answer on port measurement for confirmation, in order to provide the correct PDC port size opening. In any case, retaining your PDC option remains a low-cost feature. Be informed and let us know how to proceed.
Many Audi owners love their up-front "4 Rings" on their grille; some want their rings removed from the grille to promote a "shaved" or "stealth" look, while others paint the rings in a contrasting colour. LLTek aftermarket Quantum grilles are flexible enough in design to meet any of these style requests. The following options list will make a decision on the styling of your new grille easier - the choices are:
- Grille with Rings and badge option
- Grille with Rings but no badge option
- Grille with no badges/no rings
- Grille with badge but without rings option
The base price of the Quantum grille does not include the base ring holder. Some grille upgrades will allow you to re-use the rings from your original grille. Most people do not know that their existing rings are held in place by plastic tabs that will snap the "4 Rings" both off and back on. If the "4 Rings" on your current grille will snap out of the OEM ring base/holder, you may elect to use your rings "as is" and afix them to your new grille without a base ring holder: because the plastic tabs on the back of your OEM rings can easily be trimmed off. If you opt for a base ring holder, it may be necessary to cut away some of the small tabs that do not align 100% with the pre-cut mounting holes of the base ring holder.
For individuals who fix everything with a hammer, LLTeK can even supply a set of "4 Rings" before they are broken. Our Audi dealer is minutes away and we'll be happy to save you a trip. Finally, if your chosen bumper/grille upgrade uses an OEM Audi grille integrated into the design - these questions of recycling your rings or purchasing a ring base holder become moot. Call LLTeK toll-free, all this may appear to be complicated, but your question can be answered in minutes.
Every new Audi comes branded with the "4 Rings", however our Quantum aftermarket grilles are sold without rings; they are optional. The Audi rings that LLTeK supplies are real Audi rings made for Audi cars - but optional. You may purchase a ring base holder or opt not to. If you opt not to purchase a base ring holder, there is a work around whereby you can re-use the rings you already own and attach them directly to your new grilles. Again, just remove your rings from the Audi ring holder, adjust the tabs and glue carefully to your new grille. They will flush up to the grille mesh as opposed to being mounted on LLTeK's optionally supplied ring holder. Whether you acquire a ring base holder through purchase or not, either ring-mounting alternative will provide a clean "4 Ring" solution if you choose to stay close to the OEM grille look.
What if I require a front license plate?
Not a problem. If you live in a part of North America where a license plate (front and rear) is mandatory, the plate can be securely bolted to the Euro center section. Remember the grilles we traditionally sell are European versions and not the North American variety. Even though the aspect ratio of European license plates are wider and not as tall as their counterparts are in North America, it's easy enough to purchase a plate frame and secure it to the center section.
LLTeK has seen some enthusiasts fold back a bit of the license plate (both top and bottom) and then mount it into the front bumper. Other enthusiasts, where a front bumper plate is not mandated, will purchase a proxy Euro plate to point out provenance, while many Audi owners will go absolutely blank in their preference for clean uninterrupted lines.
We sell an RS Mesh Kit made from ABS Plastic. It is comprised of 3 pieces of ABS RS Mesh - (2 pieces of 8"x17") and (1 piece of 8"x31"). It "pops" as a tuning look when used in lower vent openings. It's black (unpainted) in its natural state. Just cut to your desired finish size and install.
Dress your grille up with 3 optional badges all in the flavor of Audi's hi-performance look. Order a second matching badge for the back of your car for the complete identification and look, or put some up on the front quarter panels like an S-line badge. It's all choice. These badges are available but in limited quantities.
- LLTeK logo (red, silver, black)
- RS badge (red, silver)
- RS badge mounted (red, silver on a black plate
Related grille accessories
- RS4 Lower Corner Fog Grille Sets --- $155
- RS4 Lower Corner Fog Grille sets are used in A4/S4 B6 & B7 full bumper conversions
and lite bumper upgrade RS4
- Lower Corner Fog Grille sets are also used in A6 C5 full bumper conversion upgrades
- and Last but not least, RS4 Lower Corner Fog Grille sets are used in A4/S4 B7 bumper upgrades
- RS Lower Corner Grille Sets --- $376 (not adaptive cruise compatible)
- RS Lower Corner Grille Sets are used in A5/S5 bumper upgrades.
RS Lower Corner Grille Sets are used in B8 A4/S4 bumper upgrades.
Nominal cost for ID / Badging
- 3 piece RS mesh kit (2 pieces of 8x17) and (1 piece of 8x31) --- $88
- LLTeK grille logo --- $11
- LLTeK logo rear trunk (matches grille) --- $11
- RS grille logo --- $44
- RS logo rear trunk (matches grille) --- $44
- RS grille logo on black plate --- $66
- RS logo on black plate for trunk (matches grille) --- $66
- Ring holder --- $33
- Audi rings OEM --- $66
- Caractere grille logo (when available) --- $44
- Caractere trunk logo (coordinating) (when available) --- $44
- Hofele marque (optional placement) --- $44
- Hofele "Bear" - shield-shape logo
-- $66
Note: Due to limited quantities - ring holders are sold with Quantum Collection grilles only.