Styling German Cars
German tuning for Audi is a natural fit and Toni Rieger has been doing it all his life - recognised worldwide as a leader in styling products for German cars. With a tendancy / preference towards the faster and more muscled models, Rieger has produced a superb front lip splitter styling modification that goes the full length wheel-to-wheel for the 2017 (before facelift) Audi A4 B9 S-line and S4, which is compatible with both the sedan and avant.
LLTeK has been importing Rieger manufactured car parts since 1996 and the Audi A4 B5 (25 years goes by real quick) and was right up at the tip of the vanguard bringing these Audi body kits to North America - years before Audi's spectacular rise in popularity. Rieger design, engineering, and manufacture all under one quality-controlled roof means you have easy trouble-free access to the caliber you demand for your Audi. LLTeK delivers all of this to your door. The benefits are summed up by 1) zero surprise from the outset, 2) superb quality and 3) durability over the life of your vehicle.
Call with your questions and call at the time that is most convenient for you - LLTeK's business hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM ET (GMT -5), Monday through Friday and it's toll-free in North America 888-465-5835.
International callers can reach LLTeK at 001 514 733 6333.
Simplifying the Process
One call and your Audi is one step closer to style changes others will recognise immediately as a quality statement; call with your questions and speak with a real person who knows these products! Get the ins and outs on a project for your vehicle and get all details confirmed via e-mail followup. If time zone differences (LLTeK business hours are 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM ET) are an obstacle - click the link below and communicate via e-mail. Get your questions answered and your pricing in writing.
Request for Info on Rieger Audi A4 B9 pfl Styling